USLGA Membership Benefits

We hope you will take a moment to review the membership benefits and join us in being active members of the United States Lavender Growers Association!

Click here to download the USLGA Membership Brochure.

USLGA Membership Benefits Grower Secondary Grower Affiliate Secondary Affiliate Friend of Lavender
A free secondary membership      
Learning Center (educational and other resources) Limited
Front Porch Events  
Complimentary and at-a-fee past USLC seminars Limited
USLGA national and regional Facebook groups  
Regional group events
Ask a Seasoned Grower  
Advocacy and public relations  
Grant letters of support        
Membership Certificate  
Voting rights  
The USLGA Newsletter (bi-monthly)
Promote your farm/business      
Promote your wholesale business in the wholesale directory      
Listing in the Public Members Directory (optional)      
Listing in (Members-Only) Members Directory
Use of USLGA Member Logo  
Promote your events and festivals on the USLGA's public online calendar of events  
Discounted registration fees at the national and regional* conferences (*regional conferences are usually free, or at a cost to cover expenses)  
Volunteer opportunities in which you will meet people and learn more than you can imagine!


Please reach out to [email protected] to discuss membership options or ask questions. Or click here to be directed to complete the membership application.